Merci de votre belle participation aux activités 2024!
Les bureaux sont ouvert du lundi au vendredi de 9h à 16h.


To help our gardeners bridge the divide from garden to table, two training components are made available.
First, workshops explain new fruits, vegetables or herbs, giving participants a chance to learn the benefits of a plant by picking it, eating it in different ways and learning about its various uses.
The second component features processing workshops, where participants can learn basic recipes and culinary possibilities or a given food.
Collective kitchens will resume their regular activities when the pandemic situation permits.

The opening and closing of the Garden involve many tasks.
Our Grande Corvée or Big Clean-Up will take place on a Saturday at the and of April or early May depending on the weather. It's always a wonderful day of pleasant, sharded effort, followed by a cocktail party to toast to our fellowship.
Precise date to be determined! Stay tuned for updates!